Definitions for "Shark Cartilage"
a specially prepared powder obtained from the cartilage of sharks and composed of mucopolysaccharides. It is believed that it contains ingredients capable of preventing and treating cancer. See our special report on shark cartilage. You can find more information and obtain shark cartilage in our Shark-CAPS(tm).
An alternative cancer therapy aimed at reducing the blood supply to the cancer. It's sold as a food supplement, not a drug. There is no research evidence to show that shark cartilage works against any type of cancer. Brand names of shark cartilage include Carticin, Cartilade and Benefin.
supplement touted as a cancer treatment. Sharks, whose frames are composed of cartilage rather than bone, get cancer infrequently, and proponents claim it is because something in the cartilage inhibits the ability of tumors to create the blood supply they need to continue growing. Promoted as immune system stimulant and remedy for joint pain, swelling, and stiffness.