Beneath the sky; in the open air; specifically (Geol.), taking place on the earth's surface, as opposed to subaqueous.
Occurring beneath the atmosphere or in the open air, with reference to conditions or processes (such as erosion) that occur on the land.
Geomorphic processes that involve exposure to the atmosphere, i.e. not in rivers or the sea.
(adjective) Said of conditions and processes, such as erosion, that exist or operate in the open air on or immediately adjacent to the land surface; or of features and materials, such as eolian deposits, that are formed or situated on the land surface. Compare – Subaqueous. (modified from Jackson, 1997).
Growing on or near the earth's surface
Occurring on land or at the earth's surface, as opposed to underwater or underground.
located or occurring on or near the surface of the earth
Pertaining to regions above sea level.
The term subaerial, mainly used in geology, describes events or structures located at the Earth's surface, "under the air". This is to be contrasted with submarine events or structures, those located under the sea. A subaerial eruption of a volcano is one that ejects material into the air.