Definitions for "ttm "
Keywords:  trailing, twelve, month, quarters, half
Financial numbers based on the sum of the last four quarters (or two half years) rather than the last full year.... more on: TTM (trailing twelve months)
Title Trailing Twelve Months
Trailing Twelve-Month
ttm is a simple but flexible command-line based Perl program for managing lists of tasks. Arbitrary properties can be attached to each task. Standard properties such as `priority', `status' and `categories' are used to provide different ways of viewing the task list. Editing is done with your favourite text editor.
Keywords:  mate, throw, team
Throw Team Mate
Keywords:  precise, idea, market, early, vary
TIME TO MARKET. is the length of time it takes to develop a new product from an early initial idea for a new product to initial market sales. Precise definitions of the start and end point vary from one company to another, and may vary from one project to another within the company.
see Time To Market.