An air handling system, unlike a single zone, terminal reheat, multi-zone, or dual duct, supplies air at a constant temperature and varies the air quantity supplied to each zone.
An HVAC design that heats or cools a conditioned space by increasing or decreasing the amount of air entering a conditioned space.
Variable Air Volume or VAV systems control the air volume. The simplest control is a simple On-Off control of fans but the complex damper controls are more common as variable speed control of fans is the most economic method to control the air volume.
An HVAC system strategy through which the volume of air delivered to conditioned spaces is varied as a function of ventilating needs, energy needs, or both.
HVAC system that controls the dry-bulb temperature within a space by varying the volumetric flow of heated or cooled supply air to the space.
type of fume hood that utilizes controller to maintain constant face velocity (but variable volume0 by adjusting blower motor speed or balance damper in response to changes in sash position.
Variable air volume (VAV) is a technique for controlling the capacity of a heating, ventilating, and/or air-conditioning (HVAC) system. The simplest VAV system incorporates one supply duct that, when in cooling mode, distributes approximately 55 degree F supply air. Because the supply air temperature, in this simplest of VAV systems, is constant, the air flow rate must vary to meet the rising and falling heat gains or losses within the thermal zone served.