Definitions for "Nictitating membrane"
Keywords:  eyelid, haw, eyeball, sharks, reptiles
a membrane that is also known as the haw or third eyelid (nictitating means blinking). It moves horizontally and is most usually seen when a cat is ill or has a foreign body in the eye, and is therefore a cause for concern.
A thin membrane that can be drawn across the eyeball to protect and clean it. Found on many fish species, including some sharks.
The nictitating membrane is sometimes called the third eyelid or the "haw". It is a thin, white membrane that can operate independently of the eyelid. The purpose is to have a form of protection over the eye while still retaining some amount of vision. Note: In the sample graphic, the first image has the nictitating membrane closed while the second image shows the eye not covered by the membrane.