Definitions for "Salting"
Keywords:  cheesemaking, brine, curd, cheese, tard
Salting in China is about the same process as in the West, but it plays a much greater part in China . There are three reasons for this. Since there is little refrigeration or canning in most parts, perishable foods have to be salted to keep. Secondly, salted food goes a longer way in 'sending down rice' than fresh food and is therefore very economical. Last and most, many things taste better salted than fresh. For example, mus­tard green is good when fresh, but it becomes wonderful when salted. Salting is sometimes used as a pre-cooking process, some­times as a complete dish-forming process. Thus, Salted Celery Cabbage is probably the one best-liked cold dish for many people. A common variation is fresh-salting, which consists of salting fresh food for a day or two and cooking right after, for example, Chinkiang Fresh-Salted Meat
A step in cheesemaking in which coarse salt is added to the curds before moulding or to the surface of the finished cheese. Alternatively some cheeses are salted by immersion in a brine solution.
When salt is added during the cheesemaking process to draw out liquid, enhance flavors, and stave off pathogenic bacteria growth. Different types of cheese require salting at different stages of the production process.
Deliberate placing of decoys or dummies in a list to test delivery and/or list usage.
The process of putting "dummy" or "decoy" names on a list.
Deliberate placing of decoy or dummy names in a list for the purpose of tracing list usage and delivery. See also Decoy and Dummy.
A practice that involves a union secretly inserting its organizers (called “salts”) into an employer's workforce in the hope that they will be able to organize other (nonunion) workers around them. In most salting cases, the union provides its salts with a wage subsidy.
"Salting" occurs when a union inserts its' organizers (called "salts") into an employer's workforce in the hope that they will be able to organize that workforce.
Refers to paid union organizers who apply for jobs with an employer for the purpose of organizing the employer's workforce.
The act of introducing metals or minerals into a deposit or samples, resulting in false assays- done either by accident or with the intent of defrauding the public.
Introduction of particles of metal or mineral into a deposit, thus making the assays run higher than they actually are.
Keywords:  marsh
A salt marsh.
The act of sprinkling, impregnating, or furnishing, with salt.
Salting has other meanings. Refer to the disambiguation page Salting.
Keywords:  wet, easily, dry, addition, helps
Addition of salt helps the skin to dry more quickly and wet back more easily