Definitions for "Sustainability"
a way of living that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
A concept generally defined as meeting the current needs of society without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.
The property of a (mostly living or human) system to maintain its functions and productivity constant over time. The related term sustainable development builds on the concept of sustainability but considers the conditions under which sustainability can be achieved. Briefly, these are: economic efficiency, environmental protection and social justice.
Something (like a project) has sustainability if it develops and/or uses our resources in a way that means they will never run out.
Taking no more potentially renewable resources from the natural world than can be replenished naturally and not overloading the capacity of the environment to cleanse and renew itself by natural processes
A sometimes controversial term used to describe the extent to which a forest manager or landowner is operating and replenishing the resources in a forested landscape with due consideration for its long-term environmental integrity.
This word is what we are aiming for when we talk about a permanent system. Sustainable agriculture, like permaculture, looks ahead and plans for an ecologically sound agricultural practice that will last as long as the world does.
The potential for project outputs to live on after a project or programme ends in a self-sustaining way. For outputs to be sustainable, they must be fit for purpose, wanted by users, and underpinned by sound business plans.
There are many definitions of sustainability. At Ecos, we define it as 'managing our society in a way that: Preserves and restores ecological integrity (to ensure our life support system stays in place). Enhances the quality of life of all people (to underpin social, geo-political and market stability). Creates value from the process of achieving the above goals (to motivate business and to drive investment).'
The capacity of forests, ranging from stands to eco-regions, to maintain their health, productivity, diversity, and overall integrity in the long run, within the context of human activity and use.
when an organisationâ€(tm)s capacity or a set of activities are self-supporting in all senses: financial, environmental, etc.
The capacity to remove harvestable material over a period of time with non-apparent deleterious effects (on the system).
The likelihood of a continuation in the stream of benefits produced by the project/ programme after the period of external support has ended. With regard to development assistance, sustainability means that the individuals, institutions and systems assisted by the donor continue to function effectively after external support has ceased and, in fact have the capacity to improve continuously their ways of working.
durability of positive programme or project results after the termination of the technical cooperation channelled through that programme or project; static sustainability - the continuous flow of the same benefits, set in motion by the completed programme or project, to the same target groups; dynamic sustainability - the use or adaptation of programme or project results to a different context or changing environment by the original target groups and/or other groups.
The likelihood that the positive effects of a project (such as assets, skills, facilities or improved services) will persist for an extended period after the external assistance ends.
The ultimate (unreachable) goal of sustainable development.
this term is often used as a proxy or shorthand for sustainable development. Some prefer it because it is not conjoined or necessarily associated with 'development', which can be taken to mean growth for its own sake.
Sustainability is effectively the goal of sustainable development. It is the ideal end state which we must aspire.
To keep in existence, to maintain or prolong
from Sustain meaning: To hold up; to bear; to support; to provide for; to maintain; to sanction; to keep going; to keep up; to prolong; to support the life of. (Chambers Concise Dictionary)
To what extent can the programme's positive impacts (as measured by its utility) be expected to last after the intervention has been terminated? See also impacts, intervention logic, outcomes, results, utility.
The capacity for the work of an organization to be lasting, perhaps long after the work of the organization has been completed. (See Impact)
Keywords:  esd, see
Long-term functionality of houses through good design, construction and cyclical maintenance.
the adoption and maintenance over time of new behaviours.
The process whereby an organisation moves from short term funding for their activities to more dependable funding.
Keywords:  ensuring, looking, asset, life, long
looking after the asset, ensuring long life
Keywords:  property
the property of being sustainable