Definitions for "Triggers"
these can either be internal or external factors that can cause a migraine. What affects one person may not affect another. Examples of triggers are dietary triggers, hormonal factors, changes in usual routines, meal times and sleep times, stress or let-down periods from stress, and environmental factors like weather. If a trigger does not appear obvious, either in your diet or lifestyle, recognize that you may be headache-prone and the total elimination of suspected triggers may or may not help identify triggers.
Irritants that may start an asthma attack (such as dust, weather changes, or pollen).
A substance or environmental condition that cause asthma or allergy symptoms to appear.
Something seen, heard, felt, etc., which "triggers" a response, urge, memory, or emotion, etc., such as turning the key in the car might "trigger" a smoker to light up a cigarette.
Substances or situations that can cause inflammation or swelling in the airway. Some common triggers are cigarette smoke, animal dander, dust mites and viral infections such as a cold.
A pre-programmed signal, something seen (like a color) or heard (word, phrase, or sound) or felt, that "triggers" a specific response. Unconscious--The repressed psychological material held within the subconscious mind and any other material held within the subconscious of which we are unaware.
Keywords:  craving, misused, elicit, stimuli, cues
Activities, sounds, places, people, images, events, or other things that can cause a dependent person to want to have the pleasurable feeling of the misused drug or medication again. Triggers can bring on cravings. | Close window
Formerly neutral stimuli that have attained the ability to elicit drug craving following repeated pairing with drug use; also called cues.
Keywords:  clef, trombones, tenor, playable, bore
The trombone is in the key of B-flat. Typically the bass trombones and many large bore tenor trombones will have a trigger to put the instrument into the key of F (lower the key by a perfect fourth). This allows the performer to perform the low C and B-flat (on the bass clef staff) in 1st and 2nd positions rather than the normal 6th and 7th positions providing better flexibility in fast passages. It also extends the playable notes in the low range between the F below the staff (FF) to the low C (CC). As a side note, the extra tubing associated with the trigger systems will always have a tuning slide to allow the performer to correctly tune that portion of the instrument. Often long tuning slides are used that can be pulled out far enough to allow the same attachment to be tuned to E (a half step lower) and increase the range of possibilities for certain musical passages. The use of the trigger also changes the positions of the notes slightly.
Keywords:  truncate, unlimited
Keywords:  boosters, binders, known
Also known as boosters on binders.
The circumstances that will dictate whether to switch from single coin to double coin play.