a chemical which reduces and/or eliminates foam. It pops bubbles, squirt it over water surface.
See Foam Breaker, Antifoaming Agent.
Substance used to reduce or eliminate foam.
Chemical added to the water to reduce foam and suds introduced by bathers. When ineffective water must be changed and rechlorinated. Superchlorination may reduce foaming.
Also called anti-foamier, a chemical added to the water to make the suds or foam go away. These products do not remove the source of the suds. Most often, the water must be drained and refilled to remove the soaps, oils and other causes of foaming. Shocking and super chlorination may help prevent foaming.
also called anti-foam – A chemical added to the water to make the suds or foam go away. These products do not remove the source of the sudsing. Most often, the water must be drained and refilled to remove the soaps, oils and other causes of foaming. Shocking, superchlorination, clarifiers and enzymes may help remove causes.
A surface-active agent that is used in cleaning to reduce detergent foaming.
A substance or mixture of substance which when added to foaming solutions causes small bubbles to collect into large bubbles which then rise to the surface and break (burst).
A surface-active agent used to reduce or eliminate foam. It stops the foam and breaks the bubble once it has been formed. Deformation under Load Deformation under LoadThe measure of the ability of a material to withstand permanent deformation; the ability of a material to return to its original shape after deformation.
A chemical which reduces and/or eliminates foaming. It pops bubbles. Can be squirted over the water surface. Dichlor: A stabilized form of chlorine.
Also called anti-foam. A chemical added to the water to destroy the foam. These products do not remove the source of the foaming. Shocking and superchlorination may help prevent foaming. Controlled use of certain of the cheaper algaecides can prevent their resulting in foaming.
Chemical which reduces and/or eliminates foam. It pops bubbles when squirted over water surfaces.(more about defoaming technology)