Definitions for "Leaching"
The process of removal or separation of soluble components from a solid by percolating water or other liquids through the solid.
Generally leaching is the dissolution of elements from a surface into the surrounding fluid medium. For the soldering community, the term applies to the action of liquid solder dissolving metals such as silver from surfaces. A particular case where leaching has been observed is the chip ceramic capacitor, whose inner terminals are typically of silver alloys held together with a matrix of glasses. Solder can leach the silver to such an extent that electrical connection is no longer made. Solutions to the problem include both using silver alloys with platinum and palladium to reduce the solution rate, and providing a ‘nickel barrier’ plating on top of the original metallising. For most purposes, this barrier layer is supplied already solder plated.
Leaching - The downward transport by percolating water of minerals in a soil.
Keywords:  mellowing, charcoal, another, name, see
Another name for charcoal mellowing.
See 'Charcoal Mellowing'
Slow passage of a solvent through a layer of porous or crushed material in order to extract valuable components. For example, gold can be extracted by heap leaching a porous ore or pulverized tailings.
Dissolution of gold from crushed or milled material, including reclaimed slime, prior to adsorption on to activated carbon.
Keywords:  leadbelly, leadership
Leadbelly Leadership
A technique for improving the appearance of some flawed diamond; hydrofluoric acid is used to reach inclusions open to the surface or from which fractures or cleavages radiate to the surface; thus unsightly flaws may be "leached" white.
Keywords:  ooze, grouted, solder, nickel, ceramic
The movement of metal atoms from the lead base metal into liquid solder. This is prevented by nickel plating. May also refer to alloying of a gold protective plating into the solder.
Leaching is a condition where liquids ooze out of the joint between ceramic tile veneer, regardless of the veneer is grouted or not, and runs down over the tile.
The chemical process by which rocks are broken down and decomposed by the action of external agencies such as wind, rain, temperature changes, plants and bacteria.
The process by which one substance is released from another substance in which it is contained.