Definitions for "Deontological Ethics"
Any ethics which does not make the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, holding that an action may be known to be right without a consideration of the goodness of anything, or known to be so even though it does not flow from the agent's best motive (or even from a good one) and does not, by being performed, bring into being as much good as some other action open to the agent. Opposed to axiological ethics.
A set of ethical beliefs, in which principles and values are seen by adherents to be self-evident and not in need of more basic proof. The ethical principles are duty-binding, innately known, and by nature resistant to change.
Duty-based or rule based ethical systems, such as the Golden Rule (do to others as you would have them to do you). An action's worth is determined by whether or not the rule is followed. The rules are intended to be universal laws, applicable to everyone at all times. It is everyone's duty to follow the rules. ( deon means duty) determinism: the theory that every event has a cause.