General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade (succeeded by the WTO)
General Arrangements on Tariffs and Trade
An integrated set of bilateral trade agreements among nations, formed in 1947 to abolish quotas and reduce tariffs. Yugoslavia became a member of GATT in 1965, when its tariff and trade regulations were brought into line with international practices.
An agreement originally negotiated in Geneva, Switzerland in 1947 to increase international trade by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers.
General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
An international organization based in Geneva that negotiates reductions in trade barriers among its members. Negotiations take place over a period of years and are termed “rounds.” The most recent rounds were the Kennedy round, the Tokyo round, and the Uruguay round. GATT has been replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
General Agreement on Trade and Tarriffs
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
A multilateral treaty intended to help reduce trade barriers and promote tariff concessions.