The process of a plant being pushed out of the soil that occurs when the ground alternately freezes and thaws in winter.
an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling); "the heaving of waves on a rough sea"
rising and falling alternately as in waves; "the heaving waves in the storm-tossed sea"; "the exhausted dog's heaving chest"
Throwing up, or the repeated freezing and thawing of moist soil during winter conditions.
The partial or complete collapse of borehole walls resulting from internal pressures due primarily to swelling from water absorption or formation of gas pressures.
The slight swelling or raising of the surface caused by partial softening of the undercoat by the solvents in the succeeding coat.
A swelling or rising of the surface caused by the freezing and thawing of soil.
Soil heaving, including frost heaving.