Definitions for "ISO-9660"
Keywords:  rom, unix, inadaquate, tilde, semicolon
A file system that has been used for CD's to provide a standard that Mac's, PC's, and Unix machines could read. ISO 9660 is inadaquate for the higher capacity recordable and erasable DVDs.
CD-ROM recording format that is commonly used on Microsoft Windows and Unix computers. An ISO-9660 CD can be read on almost any kind of computer; however, it has many limitations (such as 8-character filenames).
CD format that defines names to be the familiar 8+3 convention that MS-DOS users have suffered through for many years: eight characters for the name, a period followed by three characters for the file type, all in upper case. Many special characters (space, hyphen, tilde, equals, and plus) are forbidden. There's also a file version number, separated from the name by a semicolon, but it's usually ignored.