Predominant; greatest; utmost; paramount.
The person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested; especially, in a monarchy, a king, queen, or emperor.
A gold coin of Great Britain, on which an effigy of the head of the reigning king or queen is stamped, valued at one pound sterling, or about $4.86.
Term applied to chief citizen of certain towns. (Frame, Robin. Colonial Ireland, 1169-1369, 145)
A body of persons or a state having independent and self-governing power, status, or authority. An 1831 Supreme Court decision confirmed that Native American nations were distinct, self-governing political entities, dependent upon the United States as their trustee. Tribes are described as "domestic dependent nations," coining the term "Nations within a Nation."
The winner of the Crown Tournament, following his or her coronation. This generally refers to the King, but may refer to a Queen "by right of arms" should a woman win the Crown Tournament.
English gold coin with a face value of one pound sterling and a gold content of .2354 ounce.
a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
of political bodies; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state"
greatest in status or authority or power; "a supreme tribunal"
a supreme ruler, especially it is a term applied to a monarch
independent of all others; supreme in power, rank, or authority
the head of state. This term does not refer to the Governor General, but to the Queen, who at present is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
or Sovereign Power: The absolute authority within a State, not necessarily a monarch. To Rousseau it is all the citizens acting collectively, voicing the General Will
A sovereign state is an independent and self-governing nation with the right to control the land, laws, and governance located within its territorial boundaries.
Queen Elizabeth II, as Queen of New Zealand. See also: Head of State, Governor-General, constitutional monarchy
Above or superior to all others; chief; greatest; supreme dominion or power.
1: A ruler or chief; one holding supreme power. 2: Independent, self-governing, either as a state or as an individual.
independent, autonomous state run by its citizens, free of any outside power or restraint. (p. 100)
one who rules and has top authority e.g. king or Parliament or other kind of ruler who is in charge
Has two meanings. The first one is a technical word for the monarch (king or queen) of a particular country as in "the Sovereign of England is Queen Elizabeth." The other meaning of the word is to describe the supreme legislative powers of a state: that they are totally independent and free from any outside political control or authority over their decisions. The people of Quebec, for example, has, at times, supported governments which have proposed that Quebec become a "sovereign" state; that all legislative authority of the government of Canada over their territory cease and that the government of Quebec be enabled to regulate in any matter at all; and that the government of Quebec represent itself internationally.