To possess or exercise sovereign power or authority; to exercise government, as a king or emperor;; to hold supreme power; to rule.
Hence, to be predominant; to prevail.
To have superior or uncontrolled dominion; to rule.
The duration of rule by a king, prince or noble, taking the form ‘...In the fourth year of the reign of king Stephan....' In an SCA context, the reign of a king lasts for approximately six months, except in the West kingdom, where reigns are four months in length.
the period during which a monarch is sovereign; "during the reign of Henry VIII"
royal authority; the dominion of a monarch
have sovereign power; "Henry VIII reigned for a long time"
be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"
a period of time a person serves as a monarch or pope
the period of time for which an emperor, king or other ruler rules
Time measured according to the reign of an Emperor or Empress
The length of time that a King or Queen rules for.