Definitions for "Gag rule"
A clause included in some MCO contracts forbidding the physician from a) recommending to patients procedures not covered by the MCO plan, or b) discussing financial aspects of the physician/MCO relationship (for example, whether the doctor has monetary incentives to withhold care). Many states have passed laws against one or both of these forms of verbal restriction on the grounds that they violate the sanctity of the physician-patient relationship.
a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body
A clause within a doctor's contract with a health plan that forbids the doctor to discuss certain treatment options, how the doctor is paid, or certain other rules and policies. Some state legislatures are have passed laws that forbid gag rules.
Contractual provision prohibiting buyers from publicizing complaints about the builder.
A provision in contracts signed by new buyers that prohibits the owners from publicizing complaints about the builder.
A provision in a legal contract signed by home buyers that prohibits the publicizing of complaints about the builder.