Keywords:  hcfa, aapcc, renal, medicaid, medicare
The estimated average fee-for-service cost of Medicare benefits for an individual by county of residence. It is based on the following factors: age, sex, institutional status, Medicaid, disability, and end stage renal disease status. HCFA uses the AAPCCs as a basis for making monthly payments to TEFRA contractors.
An average cost, normally estimated, for Medicare benefits. This cost is determined by several factors, such as location, age, sex, disability, stage renal disease or institutional status. This cost estimate is then used to figure out how much cost contractors with Medicare should be paid.
The basis of reimbursement to health maintenance organizations (HMOs) under Medicare risk contracts; the average monthly amount received per enrollee is currently calculated as 95 percent of the average costs to deliver medical care in the fee-for-service sector.