"Surrounding" – the ambient temperature is the temperature of the air that surrounds the fixture in the room. Temperature surrounding a lamp or luminaire. A critical criterion for fixture selection especially in extreme temperature environments.
Air temperature, i.e., the temperature of the air around the pile and not affected by the heat of the pile.
The natural surrounding air temperature.
Normal fluctuating temperatures in an environment which are not closely controlled, e.g. in a typical warehouse, boxcar, office building, etc.
Temperature of surrounding fluid, air, or gas.
The surrounding temperature such as the temperature of air surrounding a conductor in a compartment or within a piece of equipment.
The temperature of the air surrounding a timer under normal operating conditions.
The temperature of the environment in the proximity of the power supply.
The temperature of the medium (gas, liquid or earth) surrounding an object.
Temperature that the adapter will operate in.
The temperature of the medium (air, water, earth).
Temperature of the air immediately surrounding the fumigation enclosure.
The temperature of air that surrounds an object; the outside temperature is often referred to as the ambient or ambient temperature.
The temperature of the area or room where the system is located.
The temperature of the environment adjacent to the converter, normally specified in degrees Centigrade (°C).
Temperature of the air surrounding an object.
Temperature of the air surrounding the point of application.
Surrounding temperature conditions (not necessarily atmosheric conditions).
The still-air temperature of the environment in which the adapter/transformer is operating. e.g., "room temperature."
Temperature of oneâ€(tm)s surroundings.
The temperature of surrounding atmospheric air.
the medium temperature surrounding the load cell
Ta, The temperature of air or liquid surrounding a device.
Temperature of the air which encircles an object.
The average temperature surrounding the battery.
Any all encompassing temperature within a given area.
The temperature of the environment or medium in which the circuit protector is installed and into which the heat of the device is dissipated.
The surrounding temperature, usually refers to room temperature.
The range of air temperature on a normal basis surrounding the equipment.
The prevailing temperature of the environment immediately surrounding an object - generally considered to be -20° F to +100° F.
The prevailing temperature of the environment immediately surrounding an object - generally considered to be -20o F to +100o F.
Dry bulb temperature of a surrounding atmosphere.
Average temperature surrounding the device.
The average temperature of the atmosphere in the vicinity of an appliance.
The surrounding temperature existing at any given time.
The average temperature of the surroundings.
Refers to the temperature of the air immediately surrounding the fuse and is not to be confused with "room temperature." The fuse ambient temperature is appreciably higher in many cases, because it is enclosed (as in a panel mount fuseholder) or mounted near other heat producing components, such as resistors, transformers, etc.
The temperature of the environment surrounding a power supply, generally assumed to be room temperature.
The temperature of the cooling medium, usually air, immediately surrounding the motor or another device.
The overall temperature of the environment.
The temperature of a medium, such as gas or liquid, which comes into contact with or surrounds an apparatus or building element.
Room temperature or the existing temperature of the surroundings.
The temperature, usually of the air, that surrounds operating equipment.
The temperature of the immediate surroundings in which a controller must operate.
The temperature of the surroundings with respect to a particular reference point. The ambient temperature for a charger is the air temperature in the vicinity of the charger.
The temperature of the surrounding area. Room temperature is an example of ambient temperature.
Temperatures naturally prevailing at the site.
temperature outside the compost pile.
The temperature of an environment in which the power supply operates. Room ambient temperature is typically 25 degrees C. Ambient is defined as all around, surrounding or encompassing.
The temperature of the environment (air) around a suit, object or individual. Go to top
The temperature of a medium (gas or liquid) surrounding an object.
The temperature of the objects and of the still air surrounding the SMPS, measured at a minimum of 4" (100mm) from the supply.
According to MIL-STD-810E: The test unit shall be surrounded by an envelope of air, except at necessary support points. The gradient throughout this envelope shall be within 2°C of the test temperature and shall not exceed 1°C per meter.
The temperature of the air surrounding a vehicle
The temperature of the environment in which the power supply is operating, e.g., room temperature.
The temperature of a medium surrounding an object. The term is often used to denote prevailing room temperature.
Temperature of the area or atmosphere around a process (not the operating temperature of the process itself).
The temperature of the environment surrounding a particular object.
Current surrounding temperature.
The surrounding temperature within an environment.
Ambient Temperature is the average temperature of the environment.
The current temperature of the surroundings. Ambient water temperatures may differ from the ambient air temperature.
The surrounding temperature relative to the given point of application.
The temperature of the air surrounding a component.
The lowest expected temperature of the environment surrounding the considered object.
The temperature surrounding the animal: under caging conditions may refer to the temperature in the microenvironment inside the cage as opposed to temperature outside the cage in the room or enclosure.
The external surrounding temperature as distinquished from the temperature of the device it is desired to control.
Usually refers to the air temperature at a sensing location.
The temperature of the environment in which the equipment is working.
The normal surrounding temperature of the environment in which a transformer will operate.
Surrounding temperature; room air temperature
Refers to the air temperature around the inverter and batteries, which will affect the output power of your system.
The temperature of a substance surrounding a body. Thus the ambient temperature of a container would be the temperature of the air to which it is exposed outside.
The temperature of a substance's surrounding body. The ambient temperature of a container would be the atmospheric temperature to which it is exposed externally.
The temperature of the environment the inductor will be operating in. Typically this is specified as a temperature range and the maximum specified ambient temperature is used in conjunction with the temperature rise to determine the maximum current rating of the component.
Temperature of the surrounding medium.
temperature of air - - air temperature.
Temperature of the surrounding air.
The temperature of still air immediately surrounding a component or circuit. A typical method to measure ambient temperature is to record the temperature that is approximately 1/2 inch from the body of the component or circuit.
external or environmental temperature
The temperature of the surrounding environment.
The temperature of the air surrounding the equipment or items.
The temperature of the air around the power transmission equipment in operation.
The temperature of the space surrounding the power transmission equipment during operation.
The temperature of the immediate surroundings in which equipment is to operate.
Environmental temperature around an object.
Air temperature in a particular location.
The temperature at the contact without relative movement between contacting bodies.
Temperature at the friction point without relative movement between friction elements.
The temperature of the air which, when coming into contact with the heated parts of a motor, carries off its heat. Ambient temperature is commonly known as room temperature.