herbs with anthelmintic agents either expel or destroy worms in the body. Other similar terms to describe such agents include vermifuge, mermicide and taeniacide. Herbs with these fighting abilityies include black cohosh, blue walnut, gentian, goldenseal, mandrake, prickly ash, pumpkin seed and senna.
ant-, against + helmin-, worms] (n) a substance that kills parasitic worms
Herbs that expels or kills worms: garlic, onion, wormwood, rue and thyme.
A remedy for destruction or elimination of parasitic worms.
A drug which kills or expels intestinal worms.
Causing death or removal of worms in the body
a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms
stimulating herbs that work against parasitic worms which may be present in the digestive system.
a drug used to control helminth parasites, especially internal parasites.
helps kill and get rid of parasites in the body
Expels or kills intestinal worms.
a substance that is destructive to worms.
Destroys or expels worms Black Walnut, Wormwood
various classes of drugs used to destroy internal roundworm parasites.
Destroy or expel worms from the digestive tract.
destroying/expelling intestinal worms; vermifuge
destroys intestinal worms
A chemical compound that kills or expels certain intestinal worm parasites.
Drug used to eliminate helminth parasites from the host.
a substance with the property to destroy or expel intestinal worms.
A compound that kills or expels internal parasites - such as worms.
A drug used to expel worms or internal parasites - a dewormer.
a medicine that expels worms.
Agents, which destroy or expel intestinal worms (e.g. Vidanga, Male fern root, Chenopodium). Any drug or agent used to destroy parasitic worms, especially intestinal ones.
Capable of destroying and expelling worms from the digestive system.
an agent destructive to worms
refers to herbs which expel parasites.
A vermifuge, destroying or expelling intestinal worms
Affects digestive system and nutrition due to its ability to destroy or expel parasitic intestinal worms.
An agent that destroys and expels worms from the intestines. Same as vermifuge.
Killing or ejecting intestinal worms
Anthelmintic medicines are used to treat parasitic worms. For example mebendazole and peperazine.
Antihelminthics are drugs that expel parasitic worms (helminths) from the body, by either killing or stunning them. A traditional remedy of this type is often called a vermifuge.