Any one of numerous species of cestode worms belonging to Tænia and many allied genera. The body is long, flat, and composed of numerous segments or proglottids varying in shape, those toward the end of the body being much larger and longer than the anterior ones, and containing the fully developed sexual organs. The head is small, destitute of a mouth, but furnished with two or more suckers (which vary greatly in shape in different genera), and sometimes, also, with hooks for adhesion to the walls of the intestines of the animals in which they are parasitic. The larvæ (see Cysticercus) live in the flesh of various creatures, and when swallowed by another animal of the right species develop into the mature tapeworm in its intestine. See Illustration in Appendix.
ribbonlike flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of vertebrates.
long, flattened, segmented parasitic worms that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of animals.
Ribbon-like flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of vertebrates
a parasite of a few millimetre in size and lives in the intestine of foxes as a kind of a grown-up parasite
a ribbon-shaped parasite that lives in human or animal intestines
a unique entitiy in that it is a living being within a person
n. Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class Cestoidea, Subclass Cestoda. A group of parasitic flatworms whose segmented bodies lack digestive organs and are capable of producing extreme numbers of offspring.
flat, elongated, internal parasite that infests the lower end of the small intestine.
A parasitic worm that lives in the intestines; causes diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.
A long, flat, white parasite that inhabits the intestinal tract and causes illness; this infection can spread to humans.
Most often found in adult cats who roam or hunt outside, tapeworm are intestinal parasites that feed on semi-digested food in the stomach. They are spread by an intermediate host, the cat flea, or small rodents or birds. If a cat eats an infected flea or prey, the worm larvae hatch into the gut, mature into adult tapeworms who fix onto the gut wall, while the rest of the body is passed out into the environment via the faeces. A heavy infestation can cause weight loss and poor condition, digestive upsets and anal irritation. Worm your cat regularly and keep him or her flea-free.
A worm that is flattened like a tape measure and functions as an intestinal parasite, unable to live freely on its own but able to do so within an animal's gut. The eggs usually enter the body via raw or uncooked beef. Symptoms of their presence are usually absent. However, some patients experience abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, and diarrhea. Treatment with medication results in a cure within days.