The normal bacteria found in the intestine.
Consists of several bacteria cohabiting in the digestive system. In humans the bacteria include: E-Coli, Klebsiella, Aerobacter, Entercoccinum, Acidophilus, Colchicum, Aloe, Cococynthis, Mercurius Corrosivus, Nux Vomica.
harmless microorganisms (as Escherichia coli) that inhabit the intestinal tract and are essential for its normal functioning
The normal bacteria which inhabit the colon. This includes bacteria, yeast and fungi.
Bacteria and other organisms that normally grow in the intestine.
the normal bacteria, yeast, and fungi found in the intestines that aid in digestion.
The normal microbial flora of the colon.
The "friendly bacteria" present in the intestines that are essential for the digestion and metabolism of certain nutrients.
The sum of all bacteria and fungi that live in the intestines. A healthy intestinal flora supports the breaking down of nutrients, trains the immune system in the intestines, fights off pathogens and helps the body build the vitamin E and K. An unbalanced intestinal flora (e.g. when there are too many fungi or too little beneficial bacteria) can lead to many health problems.
Microorganisms living in intestines such as bacteria, fungi, yeast.
bacteria, yeasts, and fungi that grow normally in the intestines.
bacteria living in the large intestine