The final segment of the alimentary canal consisting of a large tube that forms the feces, which is expelled by the process of defecation.
The more terminal division of the intestine that is wider and shorter than the small intestine, typically divided into cecum, colon, and rectum, and concerned esp. with the resorption of water and the formation of feces
gastrointestinal tract between the end of the ileum (cecum) and anus. The large intestine can be further subdivided into parts: cecum, colon (ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid), and rectum. Functions in the resorption of water, vitamin K metabolism, and the formation of faeces. (More? GIT Notes)
enlargement just distal to the small intestine and proximal to the cloaca; removes excess water from solid wastes
major organ in the digestive system responsible for water resorption
beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum; includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum; extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
The large intestine consists of the cecum, vermiform appendix, colon, and rectum. Its primary role is the excretion of non-absorbed material passed from the small intestine, and water absorption.
A long muscular tube that connects the small intestine with the anus.
The lower area of the intestine that absorbs water and converts indigested food into feces.
The more terminal portion of the intestine, that is wider and shorter then the small intestine. Responsible for the re-absorption of water, and the formation of feces. Includes the cecum, colon, and rectum.
The part of the intestinal tract that extends from the ileum to the anus. The large intestine is divided into the appendix, cecum, colon (ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid), rectum and anus.
wide part of the intestine that absorbs water
Also called the colon. The lower portion of the digestive tract, whose role is the absorption of water, and forming and expelling of waste from the body.
The lower part of the gastrointestinal tract consisting of the colon and rectum.
also known as the colon. Primary function is to absorb water and get rid of solid waste.
Comes after the small intestine. Large because it is wider than the small intestine.
The portion of the gastrointestinal tract extending from the ileum of the small intestine to the anus, divides structurally into the cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal.
The part of the digestive tract that is located between the small intestine and the anus.
A long, hollow tube in your body that makes and stores stool. Also called the colon.
Part of the intestine that changes stool from a liquid to a solid form by absorbing water. Often simply called the colon, but in fact includes the appendix, cecum, colon, and rectum; has a total length of about 5 feet (1.5 m).
part of the intestine that goes from the cecum to the rectum.
Consists of the cecum, appendix, colon, and rectum; absorbs some nutrients, but mainly prepares feces for elimination.
The last part of the digestive tract; it is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum, and is concerned especially with the reabsorption of water, and the formation and collection of feces.
Forming the lower part of the digestive system, the large intestine consists of the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. The primary function of the large intestine is absorbing water and electrolytes.
Made up of the caecum, colon and rectum.
also known as the colon. The last section of the digestive tract, from the cecum to the rectum. Absorbs water from digested food and processes it into stool.
The long, tube-like organ that is connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. The large intestine has four parts: cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. Partly digested food moves through the cecum into the colon, where water and some nutrients and electrolytes are removed. The remaining material, solid waste called stool, moves through the colon, is stored in the rectum, and leaves the body through the anal canal and anus.
The tube like organ in the digestive system that processes waste.
This structure is also called the colon and is responsible for the formation and storage of feces, and the absorption of water.
The allantoic stalks connect to the large intestine. The gut at about this point is the cloaca. Where the cloaca touches the body wall is the cloacal membrane, which will rupture to produce the anus.
The digestive organ made up of the ascending (right) colon, the transverse (across) colon, the descending (left) colon and the sigmoid (end) colon. The appendix is also part of the large intestine. The large intestine receives the liquid contents from the small intestine and absorbs the water and electrolytes from this liquid to form feces, or waste.
the long, wide tube that food goes through after it goes theough the small intestine.
The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system: the final stage of the alimentary canal in vertebrate animals. It is the organ where most liquids and minerals are absorbed from digested food, as well as a few remaining nutrients.