construction of an internal abdominal pouch or reservoir with a nipple valve following removal of colon, rectum, and anus. The nipple valve serves to hold the feces inside the pouch as it fills, so that no waste matter can escape to the outside of the body between drainage
Surgical technique of constructing an intra-abdominal pouch from part of the ileum. May be referred to as a Koch Pouch, or an ileo-anal reservoir. External appliance not required.
A small pouch that is created by a surgeon from a portion of the small intestine. Stools that have collected in this pouch are removed by inserting a small tube into the pouch regular basis.
operation to create a pouch from part of the small intestine. Stool that collects in the pouch is removed by inserting a small tube through an opening made in the abdomen.
(or Kock ileostomy) the surgical creation of an ileal pouch inside the lower abdomen to collect waste after a colectomy for ulcera-tive colitis. The pouch is emptied regularly with a small tube inserted through an opening in the abdomen- no external bag is required.
The surgical creation of a pouch inside the lower abdomen to collect waste. No external appliance is required; the pouch is emptied regularly with a small tube inserted through a nipple opening in the abdomen.