a weak spot in the wall of the bladder where a bit of the lining of the bladder extrudes out through this weakness and you see a small "pocket-like" lesion on the cystogram.
Small pouches that protrude out of the normally smooth wall of the colon.
a small sac or pouch that forms in the wall of the large intestine
Small pockets that bulge out of the bladder wall or out of the urethra and hold urine.
A term describing small outpouching of the colon wall. Diverticula is the pleural form of diverticulum.
finger-shaped pouches that often develop with age and protrude off the colon.
Small pouches in the colon. These pouches are not painful or harmful unless they become infected or irritated. It is usually caused by chronic constipation and poor fiber diet.
The plural of diverticulum. As a person ages, pressure within the large intestine (colon) causes pockets of tissue (sacs) that push out from the colon walls. A small bulging sac pushing outward from the colon wall is a diverticulum. Diverticula can occur throughout the colon but are most common near the end of the left side of the colon, the sigmoid colon.
Plural of diverticulum. A pouch or sac in the lining of the mucous membrane of an organ.
plural form of diverticulum.