Botanicals which cause contraction of the skin tissue: agrimony, alder bark, alum root, avens, bayberry (bark and roots), bearberry leaves, black adler bark, blackberry root, black birch leaves, black cohosh, bugle, costmary, dead nettle, dock, dogwood bark, eucalyptus oil, European birch bark, fluxweed, goldenrod, hawthorn berries, hepatica, hollyberries and leaves, horseheal root, Jacob's ladder, manzanita leaves and fruits, oak bark, periwinkle, pipsissewa, potentilla, scabwort root, Shepherd's purse, smooth sumac seed heads, southernwood, saint John's wort, sweet fern, trailing arbutus, wax myrtle, white birch bark, wintergreen, Witch hazel, and yarrow.