CCJ. Result of non payment of finance.
A Judgement for debt made in the county court. Unsettled judgements will be displayed on credit searches made about you for the next six years. Paid up CCJ's cn be recognised by stating "Satisfied". It is recommended that if you think that you have some detrimental credit history that you initially apply to one of the Credit Registers to gin a copy of your file. There is a modest cost for this and we can supply contact addresses.
A county court or higher court rules a bad debt. This is registered and will show up on any credit search and may affect your ability to obtain credit.
a ruling by a County Court against a person who has not satisfied their debt payments with their creditors
Following a County Court Claim, if the figure is not disputed, or the case is unsuccessfully defended, the court will enter a judgement. This is usually for payment by instalment or the entire sum to be paid immediately. A judgement may be set aside, varied and suspended on application to the court. Judgements are registered publicly with Registry Trust and held for six years.
A Court order against a debtor to repay money owed. A lender may take legal action and seek a CCJ when a borrower has not kept up the repayments on a loan.
Whenever someone fails to pay for something and is subsequently taken to court, the magistrate may issue a County Court Judgement against that individual to pay the outstanding debt. It will only be removed once the debt is cleared.
A court order to a borrower who has defaulted on repayments. Legal action such as sending in bailiffs will follow unless payments are made; usually within one month of the order.
(England and Wales) Often known as a CCJ. Awarded against you if you are summoned to court over a debt and either don't turn up or lose the case.
This is a judgement made against a debtor in a County Court for non-payment of a debt. If a CCJ is not settled within 30 days of the judgement, it will appear on the credit register for the next six years and could affect your ability to obtain credit, such as a mortgage.
A decree by the County Court that a debt is due and payable. CCJ"s can be enforced in several ways. If after Judgement is granted, the debt is paid within 30 days, it does not appear on the public register. If the Judgement is not paid after 30 days, whether or not the debt is paid thereafter, the Judgement will be entered on the public register, against the address where it was issued and will remain on record for 6 years.
A adverse unit registered against a person by a local civil court in England which is presided over by a judge.
CCJs are issued by the County Court as a result of a debt being unpaid..Even after the judgement has been made, the debtor has 30 days to pay the outstanding amount before the judgement is recorded on the credit register. If the debt/judgement is paid after being recorded on the register, it will remain but will show as being ‘satisfiedâ€(tm). If a person has CCJs on the register which are not satisfied, it is very likely that the mortgage application will be declined by the lender. Lenders, at their discretion, can also decline mortgage application made by persons with satisfied CCJs, or possibly impose higher than standard interest rates to the loan.
This is a judgement for debt in the county or higher court. Whenever someone fails to pay for something and is subsequently taken to court, the magistrate may issue a County Court Judgement (CCJ) against that individual to pay the outstanding debt. Such judgements are recorded and will be shown when a credit check is run. The debt does not appear in the credit register if this debt is settled within 30 days of the date of the judgement.
This is where a county court will make a decision over an outstanding debt, and order that payment must be made, usually in monthly instalments. CCJs will appear on the credit file and will be marked (More)
This is a judgement for debt lodged in a County Court. Such judgements are recorded and will be shown when a credit check is run. Traditionally, an individual with CCJ's will not easily be able to get a mortgage. Lenders will normally insist that such CCJ's are satisfied or have been satisfied for some time before a mortgage will be granted.
A County Court Judgement (CCJ) is the term for a judgement made against a person or company for and unpaid debt in the county court. Generally if a CCJ is paid in full within 30 days of the date of the judgement it won't appear in the credit register and so won't affect your credit rating. CCJ's are a matter of public record, and are catalogued and held for 6 years with the Registry Trust. If a judgement is settled after the 30 day period it will be entered into public record and will affect your credit rating.
A county court judgement for debt in the county court. This debt does not appear in the credit register if this debt is settled within 30 days of the date of the judgement. Very few lenders are willing to offer loans to anyone with an outstanding or unsettled judgement, and even if the judgement has been settled many lenders are likely to refuse a mortgage or other credit application.
If a County Court rules against you for defaulting on a debt, the ruling is listed on your credit record. Having such a judgement listed against you may mean you are turned down for future loans, or be expected to pay a higher rate than other customers. The Scottish equivalent of an English CCJ is a Decree.
This is a ruling made by a County Court against a person who has not satisfied payments to their creditors. Once the ruling has taken place it will be held on record for seven years and will appear each time a credit search is made on that person. If a person has a CCJ against them, they will find it difficult to get a mortgage and they will pay a higher rate of interest if they do.
This is the term for a judgement for debt (loan defaults, for example) made against you in the county court. If a judgement has been made against you but you repay the debt within 30 days the CCJ will not go into the public register. If you do not repay the debt within this period, the CCJ will be entered into the register. It will remain there for up to 6 years and will effect any applications for credit you may make in the future.
County Court Judgement is the term for a judgement for debt made against you in the county court. CCJ's are entered into public record and can affect your credit rating for many years.
Whenever someone fails to pay for something and is subsequently taken to court, the magistrate may issue a County Court Judgement against that individual to pay the outstanding debt. This may well affect your ability to raise finances in the future.