Definitions for "Designator"
(n.) see subobject designator.
A name that references a subobject (part of an object). A designator is the name of the object followed by a selector that selects the subobject. For example, B(3) is a designator for an array element. Also called a subobject designator. See also selector and subobject.
an object that denotes another object. In the dictionary entry for an operator if a parameter is described as a designator for a type, the description of the operator is written in a way that assumes that appropriate coercion to that type has already occurred; that is, that the parameter is already of the denoted type. For more detailed information, see Section Designators.
a classname and an itemid concatenated, eg
Keywords:  quantifier, literal, locator
a literal, a locator, or a quantifier
a singular word or noun phrase which could be used to refer to something - e
a name or description which designates, or refers to, something
a laser fitted with optics to aim it and very often fitted with a stabilisation system
Keywords:  formula, name
Name Formula
An officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies.
Keywords:  one
One who designates.