Syndrome based in divided consciousness characterized by sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one's customary place of work, accompanied by an inability to recall one's past, and also a confusion about personal identity.
Disorder in which the person experiences total amnesia, moves, and establishes a new identity.
A disorder in which the person leaves home or usual surroundings and wanders aimlessly, with inability to recall some or all of one's past. This is accompanied by confusion about personal identity or even the assumption of a new identity.
A dissociative disorder characterized by confusion over one’s identity and associated impulsive travel from one’s home or workplace without memory of having done so.
a rare type of amnesia that occurs when someone has experienced something so traumatic that he refuses to recognize or acknowledge anything connected with it," Carson explained
a somewhat rare condition that therapists may see only once or twice over the course of a professional career
A state in which the person wanders away from home, and then, days or even months later, suddenly realizes that he is in a strange place and does not know how he got there; this pattern is often understood as a means of coping with (and escaping from) extraordinarily painful events.