Definitions for "Distributive"
Expressing separation; denoting a taking singly, not collectively; as, a distributive adjective or pronoun, such as each, either, every; a distributive numeral, as (Latin) bini (two by two).
A distributive adjective or pronoun; also, a distributive numeral.
Tending to distribute; serving to divide and assign in portions; dealing to each his proper share.
Assigning the species of a general term.
serving to distribute or allot or disperse
A lattice is called distributive if, for all , , and in , we find that ∧ ( ∨ ) = ( ∧ ) ∨ ( ∧ ). This condition is known to be equivalent to its order dual. A meet- semilattice is distributive if for all elements , and , ∧ ≤ implies the existence of elements ≥ and ≥ such that ∧ = . See also completely distributive.
one operation Δ is distributive over another * if a Δ (b * c) = (a Δ b) * (a Δ c). Example: Multiplication is distributive over addition where 4 × (50 + 6) = (4 × 50) + (4 × 6). Multiplication is distributive over subtraction where 4 × (50 - 2) = (4 × 50) - (4 × 2). Division is not distributive over other operations.