Definitions for "Fianchetto"
Keywords:  bishop, flank, diagonal, italian, chess
The DEVELOPMENT of a bishop on the LONG DIAGONAL (b2 or g2 for White, b7 or g7 for Black) after moving the b-pawn or g-pawn.
An Italian word meaning "on the flank." Though you will hear many different pronunciations, the correct is fyan-ket-to. When a Bishop is developed on QN2 or KN2 (b2 or g2 for White and b7 or g7 for Black), it is called a fianchettoed Bishop. This term applies only to Bishops.
( diagram) Pronounced "fee-an-KETT-toe".When you develop your bishops to b2, g2, b7, or g7. A necessary part of building a "house".