Fiber to the home. Deployment of direct fiber optic connections to consumers' homes, allowing for wide bandwidth connections. FTTH faces technical hurdles (amplification of signals in the upstream direction), but the most significant factor holding it back is the cost of laying fiber optic cables. As such, FTTH is not expected to be the only wideband access solution, but it will be deployed selectively and will coexist with DSL access solutions over copper pairs. FTTO (fiber to the office) is more prevalent, because large office buildings contain enough users and demand for services to justify the cost of laying fiber.
Fiber To The Home. An access network that uses fiber optic cable all the way down to subscribers' homes. FTTH offers the fastest Internet connection compared with other broadband technologies, such as ADSL, VDSL, and cable modem. But FTTH is the most expensive and even in developed countries, its deployment is still limited.
Fiber To The Home. Fiber optic line that run to the subscribers home.
Fiber To The Home Network Where an optical fiber runs from the telephone switch to the subscriber's premises.
Fibre To The Home: network where an optical fiber runs from telephone switch to the subscriber's premises or home.
Abbreviation for Fiber-to-the-Home.
Fiber to the home (plastic or glas wiring between central office and building)
FIBER TO THE HOME. A network in which high-capacity fiber optic cabling is brought to each house allowing large amounts of data to be transmitted. This also reduces the bottleneck effect that may occur with Fiber to the Curb.
Fiber to the home. A technology that provides voice, data and video services from the phone company's branch office to local customers over an all-fiber optic link. Still in its infancy, FTTH technology is substantially more expensive and labor-intensive to install and maintain than competing technologies.
(Fiber To The Home) - the installation of optical fiber from a telephone switch directly into the subscriber's home. FTTN
FTTH is an abbreviation of the phrase "fibre to the home".
Fiber to the home Wikipedia
A system in which fiber cable extends from a switching office to the subscriber's house.
Abbreviation for Fibre-to-the-Home.
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