Definitions for "GUAR GUM"
A water-soluble dietary fiber that can lower blood pressure by modest amounts. Used as a thickening agent to help mix normally unmixable liquids; such as water and oil.
An industrial gum used to thicken homemade burn out paste. Also used as a thickener and emulsifier in food.
a naturally occurring hydrophilic polysaccharide derived from the seed of the guar plant. The gum is chemically classified as a galactomannan. Guar gum slurries made up in clear fresh or brine water possess pseudoplastic flow properties.
Helps curb the appetite; Historically this herb has been used to treat diabetes and to curb the appetite. It also has the ability to carry toxins out of the body. It should not be used by those who have had gastrointestinal surgery or colon disorder.
As A Treatment"...This undigestable "fiber" is responsible for taking in water as well as binding lipids..."
A fibre derived from the guar plant and used as a binder in tablet manufacturing.