Definitions for "inosine"
A ribonucleoside (C10H12N4O5) found in meat and meat extracts, differing from adenosine in having a hydroxyl rather than an amine attached to the purine ring. It may be prepared from adenosine by the enzyme adenosine deaminase, or by chemical deamination, as with nitrous acid. It participates in some cellular functions, but is not one of the normal nucleoside components of RNA.
A cellular function activator, is used to hold natural cellular hormone levels at a high state of readiness without resorting to drugs. The effect can be, increase blood flow to the muscle, and up to double ATP production. ATP is one of the molecules the body uses for energy.
Inosine is a naturally occurring compound in the body. It contributes to strong heart muscle contraction and blood flow in the coronary arteries. Inosine supports regeneration of ATP. Inosine appers to work by making your ATP last longer. It is safe and effective way to enable the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently. Results in greater strength, energy and stamina and simultaneous promotion of lean body weight.
A modified version of guanosine, sometimes found at the wobble position of an anticodon.
A rare base that is important at the wobble (3rd) position of some tRNA anticodons.