A protein that improves the functioning of the immune system and also has direct antibacterial and antiviral properties.
a factor in breast milk that binds iron and prevents bacteria from metabolising iron. It assists antibodies to resist certain infectious diseases.
Iron binding protein of very high affinity (Kd 10exp 19 at pH 6.4, 26 fold greater than that of transferrin) found in milk and in the specific granules of neutrophil leucocytes.
a red iron-binding protein synthesized by neutrophils and glandular epithelial cells, found in many human secretions (as tears and milk), and retarding bacterial and fungal growth.
A protein that is found in milk, tears, mucus, bile, and some white blood cells and is being studied in the treatment and prevention of cancer. It is involved in fighting against infection and inflammation and it acts as an antioxidant.
( LF): a minor whey protein, lactoferrin binds iron strongly making it unavailable to support microbial growth. It exertes a bactericidal effect on certain strains of bacteria and anti-viral effects against several types of human viruses.
Iron-binding protein of very high affinity found in milk, tears, mucus, bile, and some white blood cells. Lactoferrin has antibiotic, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
An immune-enhancing nutrient that provides well-documented antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.
Lactoferrin (LF) is a globular multifunctional protein with antimicrobial activity (bacteriocide, fungicide), is part of the innate defense, mainly at mucoses. Lactoferrin is found in milk and many mucosal secretions such as tears and saliva. Lactoferrin is also present in secondary granules of PMN and also is secreted by some acinar cells.