Definitions for "madman "
Keywords:  allred, mike, creator, comic, hulk
a book that will entertain you, make you think, and will have you yearning for more
Madman is a fictional villain from the Marvel Comics universe. He is one of the Hulk's enemies. Madman's real name is Philip Sterns, who is Samuel Sterns's brother, (Samuel the Hulk's arch-enemy, The Leader).
Madman is a comic book series set in one of the many parallel worlds existing in the Multiverse. Mike Allred is the creator of the Madman comic book and all its characters. Madman's world is particularly strange.
Keywords:  lunatic, crazy, moon, influenced, man
A man who is mad; lunatic; a crazy person.
a lunatic -- influenced too much by the moon
Keywords:  bureaucracy
a bureaucracy
madman is a music manager application in the vein of Apple's iTunes and its many clones. It serves as a tag editor, a media library, and a CD burning frontend, and is extensible through plugin scripts. Dynamic playlists and powerful search features allow you to listen to better music all the time.
madman administrates digitial music archives nicely: madman is a powerful digital music cataloging tool that is capable of flexible querying, tagging and organizing huge amounts of digital music.
a man who is a perfect utilitarian
a man whose ego has taken total possession
an invalid whose brain is diseased, while the gouty man is one who suffers in his feet and hands
Keywords:  thinker, great
a great thinker
Keywords:  insane, person
an insane person
a thoughtful, well structured, and all around excellent Ozzy album
Keywords:  thing, dangerou
a very dangerou thing
Keywords:  minority, one
a minority of one