Region of near-Earth space where the Earth's field dominates, but is influenced by, the interplanetary magnetic field that originates in open field structures on the Sun. Contains a number of current systems, for example, in a ring surrounding the Earth, in the magnetotail (the region anti Sun-ward from the Earth) and on the magnetopause (where the magnetosphere is distinguished from the interplanetary medium, where the solar wind dominates). The magnetosphere is connected to the ionosphere by currents that flow along geomagnetic field lines and can therefore drive electrical currents into and out of the ionosphere. Back to the top.
The magnetosphere is a region surrounding the earth in which the motion of charged particles is dominated by the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetosphere is produced by the interaction between the Solar Wind and the Earth's magnetic field. If it weren't for the Solar Wind, the earth's magnetic field would be very close to a dipole magnetic field; it would be very much like a bar magnet.
a region of a planet's atmosphere that is dominated by the planet's magnetic field so that charged particles are trapped in it.
The region surrounding a planet where the planet's magnetic field dominates. See the image above. More about Earth's magnetosphere...
The entire area of magnetic influence of a body
The volume of space surrounding a planetary body that is under the dynamical influence of that body's magnetic field.
The region surrounding a planet within which the planetary magnetic field dominates and charged particles can be trapped.
A region, surrounding a star or planet, that is permeated by the magnetic field of that body.
Complete magnetic field that surrounds Earth or any other magnetized planet.
that area of space around a planet that is controlled by that planet's magnetic field.
A region of the extreme upper atmosphere that is dominated by the magnetic field and charged particles are trapped in it. It acts as a type of radiation shield.
A zone of charged particles trapped by a planet's magnetic field, lying above the atmosphere.
The outer magnetic field of the earth. The magnetosphere surrounds the earth, with its shape affected by the solar wind.
The immediate region around a body with a magnetic field where particle behavior is controlled by that field.
A magnetic environment surrounding an object, like a planet, in a fashion similar to an atmosphere.
a magnetic envelope of charged particles that surrounds some planets, including Earth
a region of space surrounding in this case, Mars
a very complicated object with plasma parameters varying wildly from one region to another
Area around a planet in which the planet's magnetic field is stronger than the magnetic field carried by the solar wind.
Volume of space around a planet that is dominated by the planet's magnetic field and associated charged particles.
The region of space above the atmosphere and bounded by the magnetopause that is under the direct influence of Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind blows Earth's magnetic field into a shape of a comet. As the solar wind flows past the magnetosphere, it acts like a cosmic generator producing millions of amps of electric power resulting in auroras and magnetic storms.
The region of space surrounding the earth where the magnetic field plays a prominent, often controlling, role relative to particle radiations found there. See pp. 173-84.
Region of Earth's atmosphere in which ionized gas plays an important role in the atmospheric dynamics and where, consequently, the geomagnetic field also exerts an important influence.
The region around the earth in which the earth's magnetic field plays a dominant part in controlling the physical processes that take place.
The volume of space around a star or a planet in which the global magnetic field influences the motion of charged particles.
The Earth's magnetic field and its area of influence above the atmosphere; Earth's "magnetic atmosphere." Specifically the outer region of Earth's ionosphere, starting at about 1000 km above Earth's surface and extending to about 60,000 km and to at least 100 Earth radii on the side away from the Sun. ( go to first use in the text)
The region surrounding a planet where the planet’s magnetic field dominates the motion of charged particles.
the dynamic region around a planet where the magnetic field traps and controls the movement of charged particles from the solar wind
The magnetic cavity surrounding the Earth, carved out of the passing solar wind by virtue of the geomagnetic field, which prevents, or at least impedes, the direct entry of the solar wind plasma into the cavity.
is the region surrounding a celestial body where its magnetic field controls the motions or charged particles. Earth's magnetosphere is dipolar, meaning it behaves as if it were produced by a giant magnet located near the center of the planet with its north pole tilted several degrees from Earth's geographic north pole.
the region around Earth, bounded by the magnetopause, whose processes are dominated by the Earth's magnetic field.
The region protected from the electrically charged particles of the solar winds by Earth's magnetic field.
The region around a planet in which its intrinsic magnetic field dominates the interplanetary field carried by the solar wind; hence, the region within which charged particles can be trapped by the planetary magnetic field.
The region in which the magnetic field of a planet is more important than the interplanetary magnetic field. Also, sometimes used to indicate the region where charged particles are trapped in that field (e.g., the Van Allen radiation belts).
The sphere of influence of a planet's magnetic field; the region of space surrounding the planet in which the magnetic-field structure and plasma dynamics are strongly influenced by the intrinsic magnetic field of the planet.
the cavity surrounding the Earth containing the Earth's magnetic field, formed by the interaction between the field and the solar wind
The region around an astronomical object (like a sun or planet) where the motion of charged atomic particles is influenced by the shape, strength, and direction of the object’s magnetic field . (TOP OF THE PAGE) (CLOSE WINDOW)
The region around the Earth above about 160 km (90 naut. mi.) and below the magnetopause (about 15 earth radii in the solar direction, and at least 40 earth radii in the antisolar direction ) . Inside the magnetosphere, the Earth's magnetic field is dominant; outside, the interplanetary magnetic field dominates.
The Earth's magnetic field extends out into space forming the magnetosphere. As the solar wind expands out from the sun, it encounters the magnetic field of Earth. On the sunward side of Earth, the solar wind compresses the magnetic field in toward the Earth, increasing the magnetic field strength in the compressed areas. On the opposite side of Earth, the solar wind acts to stretch out the magnetic field thus giving it a teardrop shape.
The volume of space around a planet within which the motion of charged particles is dominated by the planetary magnetic field rather than the solar wind.
The region surrounding a planet within which the planetary magnetic field is the dominant force on electrically charged particles that can be trapped within the magnetosphere, making radiation belts like Earth's Van Allen belts.
The region around Earth whose processes are dominated by the Earth's magnetic field, bounded by the magnetopause.
magnetic shell that surrounds the planets with a magnetic field. Its shape is asymmetrical because it is delimited by the pressure of the solar wind, in the direction of the Sun, while it forms a long tail on the opposite side.
The region around a planet where particles from the solar wind are trapped by the planet's magnetic field.
The region of space in which a planet's magnetic field dominates that of the solar wind.
The asymmetrically shaped volume around a magnetic body in which charged particles are subject to the bodies magnetic field rather than the magnetic field of another body such as the Sun or Jupiter.
Zone that surrounds the Earth that is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field.
Region surrounding a planet which contains charged particles controlled by the planet's magnetic field.
The region in which dynamical motions are strongly influenced, or even dominated, by the earth's magnetic field as a result of plasma effects. The magnetosphere extends from the F-region of the ionosphere to the magnetopause. See atmospheric shell.
The area of space around an object influenced by the magnetic field of that object. The shape of magnetosphere is influenced bu any stellar wind in the vicinity.
A magnetosphere is the region around an astronomical object in which phenomena are dominated or organized by its magnetic field. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the magnetized planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Mercury and Jupiter's moon Ganymede are magnetized, but too weakly to trap plasma.