Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large sugar-rich pods, especially the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite.
( Prosopis sp.)-a thorny plant that ranges from shrub to tree size. It grows at elevations below 5000 feet from southern Kansas to southwestern California and northern Mexico.
A short, spiny weed tree of the southwestern U.S. that often forms extensive thickets and has large bean pods that can be eaten by livestock or humans.
A spiny deep-rooted leguminous tree or shrub that forms extensive thickets in the southwestern United States.
a spiny leguminous tree or shrub and found chiefly in southern United States
(Mess-KEET) Spanish from Indian A spiny tree or bush bearing bean-like pods used for food by Indians.
A hardwood tree grown throughout the Southwest and Northern Mexico, mesquite wood is used in barbecueing and smoking foods. Recipe: Mesquite Salmon Mesquite Chicken Sandwich
A thorny shrub found in the southwestern United States and Mexico. When burned as coals, wood chips from the plant give barbecued food a smoky sweet flavor.
a thorny leguminous plant found in arid parts of North America
A hardwood tree indigenous to the American Southwest. Mesquite it used in barbecuing and smoking foods. It imparts a slightly sweet flavor to the meats.