Physically touching and examining with one's hands.
examining with the hands. A "palpable" breast lump is one that can be felt by pressing on the surface of the breast.
Feeling with the finger or fingers to locate anatomical landmarks.
The act of feeling with the hand; the application of the fingers with light pressure to the surface of the body for the purpose of determining the consistancy of the parts beneath
physical examination in medical diagnosis by pressure of the hand or fingers to the surface of the body especially to determine the condition (as of size or consistency) of an underlying part or organ
Gently pressing on the surface of the body to feel the organs/tissue underneath. For example, feeling the chest to assess chest movements during breathing.
Using hands and fingers to feel and compress an area of the body.
Process of examining an underlying organ by pressing on overlying skin.
The act of examining the spine with your fingers.
Examining an area of the body, such as the abdomen, by feeling with the fingers to detect abnormalities.
feeling a does abdomen to determine the presence or absence of embryos.
A procedure of feeling the abdomen that is used to detect uterine contractions.
Use of the fingers to press body surfaces, so as to feel tissues and organs underneath. Palpating the breast for lumps is a crucial part of a physical breast examination.
Touching the body lightly or deeply in a stationary position is called static palpation. It is used to check the shape, size, and/or consistency (status) of an organ or tissue. Motion palpation involves touching the body over a part, while the body is moved. It is used to determine if a structure, such as a vertebra, is moving normally.
Examining the spine with your fingers; the art of feeling with the hands.
Examination of the body using the hands.
examination of the spine with ones fingers; the art of feeling with the hand
feeling with the fingers for signs of lumps or other abnormal growths.
A technique in which a doctor presses on the surface of the body to feel the organs or tissues underneath.
The art of examination by feel. Looking for abnormalities of skin, muscle, joint and bone.
The technique of examining the organs and parts of the body by probing and feeling the area with the fingers.
Physical examination by touching or feeling. A palpable mass is one that can be felt.
light touch by a clinician to feel structures under the skin
Examination by pressing on the surface of the body to feel the organs or tissues underneath.
Use of hands and/or fingers to detect anatomical structures or an arterial pulse (e.g., carotid pulse).
When the midwife or doctor feels the baby by moving their hands over your abdomen.
a physical examination in which one's hand is used to apply pressure to the surface of the body.
Examination by feeling with the hand.
The evaluation of a lesion by feeling it with the fingers to determine the texture of the area. The descriptive terms for palpation are soft, firm, semifirm and fluid filled. These terms also describe the consistency of a lesion.
A method of examining by touch used to determine if a doe is pregnant and will bear young.
The examination of the breasts by manually feeling for breast lumps. A palpable mass in the breast is one that can be felt.
A procedure in which a doctor or midwife feels the mother's abdomen to determine the position of the baby.
a simple technique, when a doctor presses on the surface of the body to feel the organs or tissues underneath.
A technique by which a veterinarian presses lightly with his hands to feel the structures below the skin, such as bones, organs, or tissues.
Using the hands to examine.
The examination of the body using the sense of touch. There are two types: light and deep.
Palpation means physically examining, by touch, various parts of the body. Using palpation, health care professionals check the texture, consistency, size, and location of a woman's uterus and ovaries.
Palpation is a method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional). Palpation is used by medical doctors, chiropractic doctors, doctors of osteopathic medicine, and even acupuncturists and herbalists particularly for thoracic and abdominal examinations, but also for examination of edema and palpation of pulses. The term also is frequently used in the field of veterinary medicine to refer to the method used for pregnancy checks.