Definitions for "pkt "
Better known as the Evil Communist Godless Scumdog PKT Horde. Our opponents in water war, snowball fights and the like. A sensible choice of opponent considering their house was less than a block away, and they were nearly as goofy as us.
Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankovyi, Kalashnikov Machine-gun Tank version
pkt is a universal XML packet archiver. It can manipulate files for backing up documents, transferring them across networks, emailing them, and sharing them by other means . It uses plugin filters to do the job and handles virtually any format available if there is a plugin for it.
XML Universal Packet Archiver is a platform independant universal file archiving system with pluggable options for encryption, encoding, compression, parity/RAID protection and more.
partition knowledge table. Repository of information about the Dfs topology and its mappings to the underlying physical shares. For a domain-based Dfs root, the PKT is stored in Active Directory and made available to each server that hosts a domain-based Dfs root. For a stand-alone Dfs root, the PKT is stored in the individual server's registry.
Public key technology. Public key technology is the hardware and software used for encryption, signing, verification as well as the software for managing digital certificates.