Definitions for "Signoff"
Keywords:  inbox, dialog, yes, marks, deleting
A sign-off which is added to a phase. Multiple sign-offs can be added to one phase, and all signoffs for a given phase must be completed before the phase can be marked as compete.
The Forward Task dialog box lets you confirm that you are forwarding a router. You can also sign off on the task and send a message to the person who is responsible for the next task. Both signing off and sending the message are optional. Regardless of whether you do either one, when you click OK, the system marks your task complete and the router goes to the next person. The Forward Task dialog box displays when you click the Forward button on your inbox and there is another task on the router. If the task you just completed is the last task on the router, you will see the Last Task dialog box instead. The Last Task dialog box lets you confirm that you have completed the last task defined by a router. You can also sign off on the task and delete the router. Both signing off and deleting the router are optional. Regardless of whether you do either one, when you click Yes or No, the system marks your task complete and the router goes to the next person. The Last Task dialog box displays when you click the Forward button on your inbox and there is no other task on the router.
A term used in a command to leave, quit, or unsubscribe from a discussion group, interest group, Listserv list, or mailing list.
Keywords:  adjective, denies, noun, bar, partner
(1) (noun) a call that requests partner to pass; bar(2) (noun) a call that denies additional values.(3) (adjective) having the meaning of a signoff