University building enclosed stairwells are designed to protect individuals from the effects of a fire during emergency evacuation. All enclosed stairwells are constructed of materials with a two-hour fire resistance rating. University exit doors (leading into a stairwell or to the outdoors) are identified by an illuminated "EXIT" sign that is located either above the exit door or close to it (e.g., ceiling-hung signs with a directional arrow pointing towards the exit door). Stairwells must be kept clear and usable at all times. Whenever you discover (1) stored or discarded items in stairwell landing areas or (2) an exit door light that has blown out or (3) a ceiling-hung sign that has been disturbed so that the directional arrow no longer points towards the exit door, call Customer Service Center at 7-4000 and request a work order to eliminate the problem. If a fire extinguisher was used as the prop, return it to the proper location. If you do not know where the extinguisher should go, call the EH&S office at 7-5445 for assistance.