Definitions for "Whitehead"
Keywords:  comedone, pore, sebum, bump, clogged
a small whitish lump in the skin due to a clogged sebaceous gland
a build up of oils and dead skin that plugs up your pores
a clogged pore below the surface of the skin
The blue-winged snow goose.
The Whitehead ( Mohoua albicilla) or Pōpokotea is a small species ( 15 cm in length, 18/14 gAndrew Crowe, illustrated by David Gunson, "Which New Zealand bird?", Penguin, 2001") of passerine bird endemic to New Zealand.The upper surface, wings and tail are a pale brown in colour while the head and underparts are white though slightly tinged with brown towards the edgesR.A Falla, R.B. Sibson and E.G. Turbott, " The new guide to the Birds of New Zealand", Collins, 1979 .
White, empty panicles resulting from the attack of stem borers that cut the lower portion of the stem. Whitehead can also be caused by drought, dry wind, or desiccation.
A bleached cereal ear containing little or no grain. Usually a result of attack by stem base or root pathogens, particularly Gaeumannomyces graminis (take-all).
Keywords:  scoter, surf
The surf scoter.
English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell (1861-1947)
Keywords:  torpedo, propelling, self, form
A form of self-propelling torpedo.