The air temperature we FEEL that is corrected for the influence of wind speed. In MOST cases, the wind chill temperature will be lower than the actual temperature, but in certain cases of high temperature and humidity, wind will actually make the perceived temperature hotter than the actual temperature! Above a certain wind speed, additional wind will not lower the wind chill value.
the rate at which a man or object cools to the ambient temperature; wind increases the rate of cooling and adds to the risk of frostbite, hypothermia, and other cold-weather injuries
Increased wind speeds accelerate heat loss from exposed skin. No specific rules exist for determining when wind chill becomes dangerous. As a general rule, the threshold for potentially dangerous wind chill conditions is about -20 F. [Go to source
A measure of the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by the combined effects of high winds and low temperatures.
the additional cooling effect resulting from wind blowing on bare skin.
The wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by the combined effects of wind and cold. As the wind increases, heat is carried away from the body at an accelerated rate, driving down the body temperature. This temperature is the reading the body "feels" given the combination of wind and air temperature. At wind speeds of four mph or less, the wind chill temperature is the same as the actual air temperature. The threshold for potentially dangerous wind chill conditions is about minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
The perceived cooling that a person feels due to loss of body heat as wind passes over exposed skin. The loss of heat is greater the faster the wind blows.
The phenomenon whereby increasing wind speed causes the apparent temperature to drop. More information: staying warm
the temperature when the temperature is lowered by the speed or gusts of wind to create an actual temperature that one would feel against the body.
The wind chill index is the temperature your body feels when the air temperature is combined with the wind speed. The higher the wind speed the faster exposed areas of your body lose heat and the cooler you feel. Here is a table which shows Wind Chill.
An apparent temperature that describes the combined effect of wind and low air temperatures on exposed skin.
Wind chill describes the way we feel as a result of the combined cooling effects of temperature and wind. Wind chill is most commonly calculated using the Siple-Passel formula, and expressed as the rate of heat loss in watts per square metre, or likened to the equivalent temperature on a calm day.
Calculated only in the winter, wind chill is a calculation combining air temperature and wind speed, given in degrees Celsius. It represents the cooling effect felt due to the loss of body heat, caused by the strength of the wind and below zero temperatures.
The wind can reduce significantly the amount of heat your body retains. The following wind chill chart does not take into account such variables as type of clothing worn, amount of exposed flesh, and physical condition, all of which would alter body heat.
The calculation of temperature that takes into consideration the effects of wind and temperature on the human body. Describes the average loss of body heat and how the temperature feels. This is not the actual air temperature.
The combination of temperature and wind speed. When the wind is blowing, it carries away the air that has been warmed by your body. It feels as if the temperature is lower than it really is.
A way of describing the temperature that takes into consideration the effect of the wind speed in the temperature reported. Wind makes any temperature feel colder and wind chill factor is a way of expressing how cold the wind might make the temperature feel. First described after experiments by the American scientist Paul Siple on baked bean cans containing water and a thermometer left in the wind.
The wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by combined effects of wind and cold. As the wind increases, heat is carried away from the body at an accelerated rate, driving down the body temperature. Animals are also affected by wind chill.
The portion of the cooling of a human body caused by air motion. Air motion accelerates the rate of heat transfer from a human body to the surrounding atmosphere, especially when temperatures are below about 7°C (45°F).