a chemical solution which is applied to the face or facial areas to smooth and improve the skin's texture by removing the damaged top layers of skin
a controlled chemical burn of your skin
a cosmetic procedure that produces a controlled partial thickness injury to the skin
a facial treatment that aims to remove and soften age-related wrinkles and sun-damaged areas
a great way to improve your skin tone especially if you have started to notice the signs of aging
a medical procedure that can be used as an alternative to microdermabrasion or in combination for more aggressive treatments
a more serious procedure which requires a recovery period
an acidic solution that is applied to your face
an alternative method to resurface your skin
an applied, controlled chemical burn to the top layers of your skin
an in-office procedure performed by either an aesthetician or physician, which produces a controlled injury to the skin
a non-invasive resurfacing of the skin
a non-invasive technique used to minimize the effects of wrinkled, sun damaged, blemished or unevenly pigmented facial skin
a non-surgical procedure that removes damaged surface skin cells and stimulates the growth of new, healthy skin cells
an outpatient procedure that uses a chemical such as alphahydroxy acid to remove damaged skin cells from the outer layer of skin
a procedure in which a chemical of some type, most commonly an acid, is applied to the skin for a brief period of time and then washed off
a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied directly to your skin
a procedure that rejuvenates skin
a procedure that uses a chemical applied to the face to remove several layers of skin and smooth the existing skin
a procedure that uses a chemical solution to peel away the superficial
a procedure that uses a chemical solution to peel away wrinkled, blemished, unevenly pigmented, or sun damaged facial skin
a procedure that utilizes any one within a variety of chemical agents, in different strengths, to create a controlled shedding process that exposes a fresh layer of new, younger looking skin
a procedure used to treat facial discoloration such as brown, mottled or muddy pigment usually from the sun or the
a procedure where a liquid is placed on the face and produces an inflammation of the top layers of the skin very similar to sunburn
a quick, no downtime procedure that renews the skin by lifting dead cells off the surface of your skin and stimulating metabolism of the cells underneath
a resurfacing of the skin with an acid solution that peels the top layers and allows smoother, regenerated skin to emerge
a resurfacing technique for improving the appearance of skin when fine wrinkles are present
a skin care treatment that uses salicylic acid to smooth skin and facial lines by removing dry skin and damaged outer layers
a skin care treatment using Alpha Hydroxy Acid to smooth facial skin by removing dry skin and damaged outer skin layers
a skin treatment that safely improves the look, feel and health of your skin
a solution applied to the skin to improve the texture by removing its damaged outer layers and stimulate the production of new skin cells
a technique designed to remove the dead skin cells from the skin's surface layer and re-stimulate the regenerative process
a technique for rejuvenating wrinkled, blemished or sun-damaged skin
In this procedure, the doctor applies an acid that is stronger than is available in topical creams. The acid (trichloroacetic acid is generally preferred) burns the outer layer of the skin, which peels off, causing new, smoother skin to regenerate. The skin has a scab for about 10 days and is pink for about 3 months. The patient may be left with small scars, and the skin will be permanently lighter and more susceptible to sunburn. Chemical peels can cause blotchy skin in people with darker skin.
removal of the superficial layers of the skin with a chemical agent to remove wrinkles and age spots and to promote the regrowth of fresh, clearer new skin
a cosmetic procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the face. The chemicals remove the top layers of skin, revealing the younger, smoother skin underneath.
Uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of facial skin by removing damaged outer layers and is helpful for those with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation.
A medical procedure to remove damaged outer layers of the skin through the use of a chemical solution.
Fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and on the forehead and cheek areas may be improved with a wide range of skin treatments. A chemical peel solution is applied to the entire face or to specific areas to peel away the skin's top layers. Several light to medium-depth peels can often achieve similar results to one deeper peel treatment, with less risk and shorter recovery time. Peel solutions may contain alpha hydroxy acids, tricholoracetic acid (TCA) or phenol as the peeling agent, depending on the depth of peel desired and on other patient selection factors.
A procedure in which low concentrations of an acid solution are applied to the skin to remove the thin surface layers of aged and sun damaged skin from the face or other parts of the body. Trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, resorcinol and carbolic acid are some of the more common acid solutions used in this treatment.
A process in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. This process is also called a chemexfoliation.
a procedure where a cream is applied to the face which acts to remove the upper layers of damaged skin, allowing the undamaged layers to be revealed. This procedure can improve wrinkles and remove pigmentation from sun exposure and acne
A process of removing lines and wrinkles by burning of the epidermal layer.
restores wrinkled, scarred, or blemished facial skin by applying a chemical solution to peel away top layers of skin; old skin will be replaced during the healing process with a fresh, new skin surface.
uses a chemical solution in order to improve the skin's appearance. It can reduce or eliminate fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, correct uneven skin pigmentation, remove pre-cancerous skin growths, and soften acne or treat the scars caused by acne.
Use of chemicals to improve skin condition.
A process designed to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells through the application of a chemical solution to the skin.
A chemical peel is a body treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the skin to blister and eventually peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Thus the term chemical peel is derived.