That combination of volume and pressure, at the critical temperature of the substance, at which the liquid and gaseous phases of a given quantity of a substance have identical values for their densities and other properties.
a point in a phase diagram where the liquid and gas states cease to be distinct.
The temperature and pressure at which two phases of a substance in equilibrium become identical, forming a single phase.
the critical pressure and critical temperature of a substance.
critical state. State at which two phases of a substance first become indistinguishable. For example, at pressures higher than 217.6 atm and temperatures above 374°C, the meniscus between steam and liquid water will vanish; the two phases become indistinguishable and are referred to as a supercritical fluid.
The instruction in the object code at which the most important action accomplished by a given source statement takes place. The critical point instruction is usually the instruction where a data value may change. Not every source code statement has a critical point; some statements have more than one critical point. Statements likely to have a critical point include assignment statements and function calls.
The upper limit of the temperature-pressure curve of a substance.
is defined as the point at which the saturated liquid and saturated vapor states are identical.
a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made; "at that juncture he had no idea what to do"; "he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point"
a point where there exists a maximum or minimum
Point where the densities of liquid and vapor become equal and the interface between the two vanishes. Above this point, only one phase can exist.
See Equilibrium Point. Many reactions follow elementary differential rate laws such as v = k f([A], [B], ...) where f([A], [B], ...) is a function of the concentrations of reactants and products. That is, the rate varies as the concentrations change. A proportionality constant, k, is called the rate constant of the reaction.
CRPT: In the New Chess Theory a Point means a Square. This point is in fact the center of the corresponding square. Let us consider a Point P=(i,j), intersection between the i-file and the j-rank. We say that P is a Critical Point under the following conditions: A crucial zone of combat straggles around the point P. One or several Force Lines (i.e. Critical Lines) go by P. Both camps fight for the control of P or a camp is taking the control of P. (New Chess Theory - NCT IX - "Critical lines & points").
The temperature and pressure at which vapor and liquid phases of a material have the same density. Dark Nebula A nebula consisting of dust and gas blocking our view of more distant stars.
This generally refers to a temperature at which some chemical or physical change takes place. These transformations cause evolution of heat on cooling or absorption of heat on heating and appear as discontinuities or arrest points in the heating and cooling curves. The temperatures vary with the carbon content of the steel and the rate of cooling.
The temperature and pressure which two phases of a substance in equilibrium with each other become identical, forming one phase.
The thermodynamic state in which liquid and gas phases of a substance coexist in equilibrium at the highest possible temperature. At higher temperatures than the critical no liquid phase can exist. For water the critical point is where is the saturation vapor pressure of the water vapor, is the Kelvin temperature, and α the specific volume.
The stage in temperature and pressure at which the liquid and vapor phases of a substance are equal.
In physical chemistry, thermodynamics, chemistry and condensed matter physics, a critical point, also called a critical state, specifies the conditions (temperature, pressure) at which the liquid state of the matter ceases to exist. As a liquid is heated, its density decreases while the pressure and density of the vapor being formed increases. The liquid and vapor densities become closer and closer to each other until the critical temperature is reached where the two densities are equal and the liquid-gas line or phase boundary disappears.
In mathematics, a critical point (or critical number) is a point on the domain of a function where the derivative is equal to zero or undefined. It is also called a stationary point.
In set theory, the critical point of an elementary embedding of a transitive class into another transitive class is the smallest ordinal which is not mapped to itself.