A dynamic state in which two opposing forces or processes are in balance.
a balanced condition resulting from two opposing reactions.
a state of balance, such as when supply meets demand.
a state of physical balance, a state of mental or emotional equanimity, a state in which the energy in a system is evenly distributed and forces, influences, etc balance each other.
A state of balance between offsetting forces for change, so that no change occurs. In competitive markets, equality of supply and demand.
A situation in which opposing forces of, say, supply and demand are balanced so that there is no tendency to change. Equilibrium is the solution of economic problems.
1. A stable condition in which forces cancel one another 2. Any unchanging state of a body, system etc resulting from the balance of influences to which it is subjected.
The state of a nonrotating object upon whom the net torque acting is zero.
The balance between opposing sides, (1) In a water loss equilibrium exists when the outside humidity and the inside humidity is equal to each other, or when the number of water molecules escaping a substance equals the number of water molecules returning to the substance. (2) When the electromotive force (emf) within a metal is not producing free energy.
A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system.
A point in a chemical reaction at which there is no driving force in either direction; the point of minimum Gibbs energy for a process.
In geology, a balance between form and process. For example the resistance of rocks along a coast and the erosional force of waves.
keeping our balance, with centre of gravity over area of support.
a point reached during a chemical reaction when no further overall changes occur
A state of balance produced by the counteraction of two or more forces. The state of a body so acted upon by a balanced system of forces that it has no tendency to change its condition of motion or rest.
(1) In biochemistry, a state in which forward and reverse reactions are proceeding at counterbalancing rates, so there is no observable change in the concentrations of reactants and products. (2) In evolutionary genetics, a condition in which allele and genotype frequencies in a population are constant from generation to generation.
Context is: trade term. A state in which economic forces that are likely to cause change in opposing directions are in perfect balance, so that change is unlikely. A market is in equilibrium if the quantity of a product that consumers will buy at the prevailing price exactly matches the amount suppliers will sell at that price. See also Demand; Market; Market Economy; Market Forces; Price; Supply.
a condition in which there are no forces (reasons) for change
a balance among the components of an ecosystem.
A dynamic condition of balance between atomic movements, where the resultant is zero and the condition appears to be one of rest rather than change.
A state of balance in which there is no net change.
Piaget's term for the basic process underlying the human ability to adapt; the search for balance between self and the world.
Balance, for example when demand equals supply.
The point at which there is no longer a change in the concentrations of the reactants and the products of a chemical reaction. The point at which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal.
balance of forces It was essential to maintain a balance of surface tension, gravity and pressure on the joint to achieve equilibrium. equilibrant (n), equilibrate (v)
a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates
a point of balance in which there is no inherent tendency to change)
a resting point--a point where all forces balance out
a situation in which there are no inherent forces that produce changes
A balance in a chemical system, usually the balance reached between reactants and products in a reversible reaction.
When the reactants and products are in a constant ratio. The forward reaction and the reverse reactions occur at the same rate when a system is in equilibrium.
A state in which no net change is occurring, but which is characterized by forward and reverse reactions occurring at the same rate.
Condition in which a reaction has occurred to its maximum extent.
The state of being at rest, in balance, or unchanged. For example, in the process of adsorption, toxic wastes in rivers may contaminate sediments until the wastes in the water and the wastes in the sediment reach a state of equilibrium.
a state of balance between opposing forces or elements.
An object is in equilibrium if the resultant of the system of forces acting on it has zero magnitude. See static equilibrium and dynamic equilibrium.
A system in which the rates of the forward and the reverse reaction are equal.
A state of balance between opposing soil forces or actions.
The state of a body when the forces acting on it combine to maintain the body at rest or in motion with constant velocity. Requirements: A. The vector sum of all forces acting on the body must be zero. B. The sum of all the torque's acting on the body must be zero. Et = 0 E fx = 0, E fy = 0 and E fz = 0
A condition of balance between forces, or competing processes, such as emission and absorption of radiation.
A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
A state of rest or balance.
A balanced state of constant change in a system. Chemical equilibrium refers to the state in a reversible reaction when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backwards reaction.
A stable situation in which products and reactants are balanced.
latin: (thermodynamic) balance
A price region that suggests a balance between demand and supply for an currency pair in the marketplace.
a state of balance in a system where opposing forces or fluxes balance
Dynamic equilibrium is established when two opposing forces are occuring at the same rate, so there is no apparent change in the system over long periods of time.
a state of balance that exists between two opposing forces or divergent forms of influence.
An object that is balanced is said to be in equilibrium. Back to top of the page
A state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static (as in a body acted on by forces whose resultant is zero) or dynamic (as in a reversible chemical reaction when the velocities in both directions are equal).
A body's ability to maintain physical balance by using vestibular, visual and proprioceptive (sense of touch) input.
(Translational) Condition in which the net force on an object is zero. (Rotational) Condition in which the net torque on an object is zero.
A state of dynamic balance in which the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal; the state of a system when neither forward or reverse reaction is thermodynamically favored.
Condition in which the net force on an object is zero. Force (F) Agent that results in accelerating or deforming an object
If the rate of the forward reaction and the rate of the back reaction in a reversible reaction are equal, the reaction is in equilibrium. Useful products from air
Equilibrium is a state of balance, a condition in which the contending forces are equal.
a condition in which all acting forces (lift, gravity, drag, and thrust) are canceled by one another, resulting in a balanced and stable flight
A steady state condition. The amount of mass transferred in one direction is exactly balanced by the amount of mass transferred in the reverse direction.
In a chemical reaction, reactions will proceed in both directions up to a point at which reaction in the forward and reverse directions is the same. This point is known as "equilibrium."
The physical state in which forces and changes occur in opposite and off-setting directions.
In chemistry, a condition in which reversible chemical reactions are taking place at the same time in such a manner (equivalent rate) that there is no change in the net concentration of the substances involved in the chemical processes. As a result of these simultaneous reactions, the substances involved in the reactions can be shown to be in a constant ratio to each other.
A price region, which suggests a balance between demand and supply for a currency pair in the marketplace.
State of balance or equality between opposing forces where they remain in check.
The state in which the action of multiple forces produce a steady balance or seeming lack of change.