The temperature registered by an ordinary thermometer. The dry bulb temperature represents the measure of sensible heat, or the intensity of heat.
The temperature on one of two thermometers on a sling psychrometer; this temperature corresponds to the bulb which does not contact the water-saturated wick.
the temperature of the air. Used in conjunction with the wet bulb temperature to measure humidity.
Air temperature as indicated by ordinary thermometer.
The actual air temperature. See wet bulb temperature below.
Heat intensity, measured by a dry bulb thermometer.
The temperature of the air measured in the shade 4-8 feet above the ground.
The temperature as measured without the consideration of humidity.
Is the ambient gas temperature as indicated by a standard thermometer. ( 030, 081)
The temperature of air in degrees Fahrenheit measured by an ordinary thermometer.
Measured air temperature, usually paired with a "wet-bulb" temperature to derive a value of relative humidity .
A measure of the sensible temperature of air.
The actual air temperature as measured by a sling psychrometer.
Temperature measured using a standard thermometer. A measure of the sensible heat of the air or surface being measured.
Technically, the temperature registered by the dry-bulb thermometer of a psychrometer. However, it is identical to the temperature of the air(degrees celsius).
The actual temperature of a gas, taken with a conventional thermometer.
the temperature of air as measured by an ordinary thermometer. Units are F (C).
The temperature of the air as measured by a standard thermometer.