This is european funding targeted at disadvantaged regions.
(ERDF) The aim of this Fund is to promote economic and social cohesion by correcting the main regional imbalances and participating in the development and conversion of regions. To that end, the ERDF shall also contribute to sustainable development and creation of sustainable jobs.
An EC structural fund which aims to reduce inequalities in socio-economic development between the regions in the Community, by supporting infrastructure projects, job-creation investments, local development and aid for SMEs.
Fund to promote economic and social cohesion by correcting the main regional imbalances and participating in the development and conversion of regions, while ensuring synergy with assistance from the other Structural Funds.
One of the four European Structural Funds. Aims to improve economic prosperity and social inclusion by investing in projects to promote development and encourage the diversification of industry into other sectors in areas lagging behind. This fund is available in Objective 1 and 2 areas. For more information go to http://
European funds that are targeted at specific disadvantaged regions.
This structural fund, created in 1975, aims to redress the principal regional imbalances in the Community by participating (1) in the development and structural adjustment of regions whose development is lagging behind and, (2) in the conversion of declining industrial regions.
The largest of the Structural Funds, the European Regional Development Fund grants financial assistance for development projects with the overall aim of reducing imbalances between the regions of Europe and thereby promoting economic and social cohesion. (See also Structural Funds.)
The European Regional Development Fund is aimed at reducing regional imbalances and assisting disadvantaged regions, particularly, run-down areas facing restructuring problems and industrial decline and rural areas
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is a fund allocated by the European Union.