Objective 1 is one of three programmes set up by the European Union to provide investment funds to those areas of the EU where prosperity, measured in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head, is 75% or less of the European average. South Yorkshire has qualified for Objective 1 aid for the period from 2000-2006. There are currently 0 glossary entries for this letter. There are currently 0 glossary entries for this letter. There is currently 1 glossary entry for this letter.
Objective 1 promotes the development of: Regions where GDP per head is below 75% of the EU average. Outlying regions, eg, French overseas departments, Azores, Maderia. Sparsely populated regions of Finland and Sweden Objective 1 is financed by all four Structural Funds: ESF, ERDF, EAGGF and FIFG and accounts for 69.7% of total Structural Funds spending, totalling Euros 135.9 bn for the period 2000-2006. The EU population covered by this Objective is more than 83 million.